We all want our furry friends to enjoy our outdoor spaces as much as we do. Sometimes, there is just not enough time to go for a long walk and a quick wander around the garden a few times a day can make a world of difference to their physical and mental comfort. That means that those chewed-up shoes can become a thing of the past.
If you want to create a safe and care-free outdoor environment for you dog, you should consider the tips we’ve summed up below. If you follow our guidance, your four-legged friend will be happy, and your garden will prosper despite accommodating another inhabitant.
Longer grass is a healthier grass (sometimes)
We would usually recommend cutting you grass quite regularly to maintain the perfect lawn, but for a dog-friendly garden this might not always be the case. A lot of dog traffic means more strain on the grass as they won’t pay much attention to the perfectly manicured lawn when messing around with their toys. With longer grass comes a more resilient lawn due to longer roots and better nutrition from the soil. If your dog likes to munch on the grass, let them. There is usually no harm in some green addition to their balanced diet.
The waste issue
While it is true that dog waste can be full of nitrogen, which comes from their high-protein diet, too much of it is not great for the health of your lawn. If your dog likes to relieve themselves in the middle of your green lawn, this can create unsightly brown patches that only regrow very slowly. We would suggest teaching you tog to go one specific place in the garden, that is out of sight. When it’s too late for that, try at least watering the lawn after they did their thing. Another possible solutions are placing a dog-litter box in your garden, or planning ahead and planting a more resilient grass variant.
Be wary of poisonous plants
As mentioned before, dogs like to chew on some greens, and it can be hard for them to recognise what is digestible and what is not. To us, some plants may look beautiful and to our dog they may seem like an ideal lunch. That’s why it is good to know that some very common garden decorative plants can cause serious troubles to your dog when digested.
The following plants are the most dangerous and toxic and you should avoid having them around your house:
- Castor bean or castor oil plant (Ricinus communis)
- Cyclamen (Cylamen spp)
- Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)
- Hemlock (Conium maculatum)
- English Ivy, both leaves and berries (Hedera helix)
- Mistletoe (Viscum album)
- Oleander (Nerium oleander)
- Thorn apple or jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)
- Yew (Taxus spp)
Get you fencing in order
This might seem as an obvious one, but we’ll still mention it just in case. Do check you fencing and cover any holes in it. What might not seem like a big enough hole to us might be an excellent escape route for your dog to chase after that neighbour’s cat or a squirrel down the road. It is vital to check your fencing regularly and get it repaired when needed. Common fencing made from weak softwood panels can wear out very quickly due to weather. We can help you supply and install a solid fencing make of hardwood that will last years and keep your dog within the boundaries of your garden.
Have some shady space for them to rest
Many breeds don’t cope well with excessive heat. With the summers getting hotter and hotter in the UK, it is important to think about some shady space both for us and our dogs. Even a dedicated doghouse can be a great solution to overheating. Also, don’t forget to put out plenty of water as they will drink much more when outside on a hot summer day.
Go organic with your lawn care
At Bohemian Landscaping, we are big on the environment and organic stuff. Using synthetic fertilizers can harm your dog over time when playing in the grass or eating it. We can help you to choose a suitable product that is both safe for your pet as well as healthy and gentle to your lawn. As with all fertilisers, it’s always important to water them in properly after application.
Paths can help reduce the damage to the lawn
Even if all precautions are taken, it is hard to avoid some damage to the lawn due to dog traffic. You can minimise this issue by implementing clear and visible paths into your landscaping garden makeover project. Mulch or stone can both be great surfaces to consider.
Be wary of parasites
Dogs like to explore even the most remote corners of the garden every now and then and they can discover some unwelcome inhabitants there. Fleas and ticks are the most common of such parasites, but they might be hard to get rid of. Generally, such creatures like moist places and you should aim to have as little as them as possible.
You can take following precautions to avoid such guests:
- Avoiding standing water in the garden
- Trimming shrubs
- Removing debris such as leave and clippings
- Making sure that your green waste in a bin or composter and it is well covered and closed
- If your neighbour has a rather bushy garden (flea heaven), it is a good idea to create a gravel or wood chip border to make it harder for the creatures to jump across
By following the above tips, you can make your garden an excellent and most importantly safe place for your doggie to roam. We are always happy to help you implement the right solution and provide you with expert advice.